Garden Table

A few months back I was at my parents and my mother mentioned that the table she used in the garden for potting plants and such like was getting a bit rotten so I offered to make a replacement. I got some measurements of what they wanted and had a bunch of wood laying around

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R2D2 Lights

Another hobby I’m involved in is making replica droids from Star Wars. I do this as part of the UK R2 Builders Club, which is part of a larger Droidbuilders UK club. We don’t just build them, but we also take them out to events to show them off, entertain people, and raise money for

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Teabag Tray

One of the other things I like to do is help out at conventions. The other day I got a message from the person in charge of the Green Room asking if I could print something out they’d found on Thingiverse to store the tea bags and sugar in for the guests. Of course, I

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Bath Bombs!

Finished Bath Bombs

Taking inspiration from an Evan and Katelyn video, we decided to have a little go at making bath bombs. This was mainly inspred when we heard the list of ingredients and already had all but 2 of them in our kitchen cupboard (Bargain!). We needed to make a bath bomb mould and courtesy of thingiverse,

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